What the Netflix Documentary Fyre Festival Taught Us - Little Big
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What the Netflix Documentary Fyre Festival Taught Us

If you spent your weekend at home on the couch Netflix and chilling (the real kind), you’ve probably watched the trending documentary Fyre Festival. Once we got past the blatant shock and initial reaction, we come to realisation that there are some valuable lessons to be learnt.

Whether you are a business owner, marketing manager or consultant, you already know the power of social media marketing and you’ve probably started to delve into the growing realm of influencer marketing. You might have even run an event in the past and can resonate with the challenges that you face along the way.

So, what did the documentary teach us and what lessons can you take away?

1. Influencer marketing is a growing market and a valuable investment – it’s a great way to get your brand recognised and get maximum reach with minimal investment. We work with influencers daily and now that Instagram is recognised as a business platform, it’s essential you have a strategy when doing so.
2. Leave it to the professionals – as a marketing agency, we get that there are so many facets to marketing and boast well-honed professionals across social media, events, PR, design and marketing. We’re here to support those big goals and work with clients to achieve objectives. The alternative could be an event that is chaos and leaves thousands of people stranded on an island… (That’s extreme but you get the drift).
3. Listening is the key to success – we speak openly and honestly with businesses daily on our recommendations and insights based on years of experience so if we raise concerns or questions, there’s usually a good reason. We always want the best for you and ensure the best return on your investment no matter how little or BIG your brand is. Not only do we listen carefully, we appreciate when we get that in return.
4. Work in a team – We treat our partners, suppliers and anyone else we come across as we want to be treated! We rely on building and nurturing these relationships. We have a hunch there really is such thing as ‘good karma’ or ‘bad karma.’
5. It takes more than an end goal to succeed – you can have a vision or a dream, whether that be a luxurious festival in the Bahamas or a product launch in Sydney but without a strategy and carefully thought out process you won’t get the result you’re after.

If you’d like to start a conversation with us, feel free to get in touch. We’re happy to meet for a coffee or have a chat!