Kate Thompson - Little Big
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Working on Wurundjeri land

Kate Thompson
Marketing Strategist

Kate Thompson is our chief Marketing Strategist

Kate attended The University of Melbourne where she obtained a Bachelor of Commerce. Since then, she has gained over 20+ years of industry experience, working for some of the best, including big agencies in New York City before returning home to Melbourne.

There’s nothing she’s got a heart for more than helping businesses to define meaningful and sustainable brands. If you’re looking for help with your new or existing brand, she’s the one to call. Kate is our strategy specialist; she works across brand and marketing strategy to ensure our clients are putting their time, effort, budget and creative in the right places to reach the best outcomes for them.

With a long history of travel, Kate loves the tourism industry. She is always itching to get together with our tourism clients and work with them to achieve their goals.

On her days off Kate is busy being chauffeur to the kids, driving them to sport and parties. In-between drop-offs you’ll find her in Barre class, at family BBQs, having drinks with friends or gardening in the backyard. Next time you see her make sure you ask her about the time she toured America with Britney Spears.

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Kate Thompson Marketing Strategist
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