City of Ballarat, Winter Festival - Full service Agency Melbourne

City of Ballarat


Winter Festival

  • Design
  • PR
  • Social/Digital
  • Marketing
  • Advertising

Full service marketing agency Melbourne, littleBIG have worked with the City of Ballarat to holistically promote their marquee event programs for two years now. Moreover, we have loved every second in working on this beautiful event of the Winter Festival that brings everyone of all ages and demographics to Ballarat.

Our Winter Festival 2023 campaign incorporated Google and Meta advertising and a traditional ad spend with local radio and print outlets. Additionally, we also worked with below-the-line media and influencers in the campaign which was creatively produced by littleBIG, full service marketing agency Melbourne, throughout.

Altogether, campaign achieved excellent increases in web traffic YoY, the desired balance of impressions and traffic from metro versus local audiences and excellent coverage from media and influencers (or influential advocates) including Herald Sun, Time Out, 3AW, Nine (TV) News and Nine Newspapers.

Consequently, we had great successes in our digital advertising as can be seen in the impressive numbers on the right. Our paid digital impressions had sizeable numbers and allowed for engagement with the event. Comparatively, the earned media opportunities were quadruple in numbers in comparison with the paid digital impressions. Subsequently, it was flowing with opportunities to see the Winter Festival digitally. In addition, working with influential advocates left us with great content pieces and spread of content on social media platforms.

As a result of littleBIG, full service marketing agency Melbourne, services and the great event of the Winter Festival itself, thousands of winter adventurers flocked to Ballarat to celebrate the season.



Digital Advertising

Paid Digital Impressions


Paid Digital Engagements


Avg. Click Through Rate


Earned Media

Opportunities to see




Number of media items 34


Cost per item


Influential Advocates

Opportunities to see


Number of content pieces